Category Latest Company Updates

The Best Defibrillators Available to Buy in the UK

Best defibrillators
Posted on 18 March 2024

If you’re looking to buy a defibrillator, you may be wondering which one best suits your environment and needs. Each defibrillator has different features, so understanding how they vary can help you make the right choice. With a…

Calls For Bleed Control Kits Increases

A bleed kit installed under a defibrillator cabinet
Posted on 15 February 2022 This article focuses on the need for bleed kits within communities.  Not just for serious stab wounds but also for other incidents; serious road collusions, a heavy fall in the street, and potentially fatal injuries at work.…

Defibrillators in Schools

defibs in schools
Posted on 12 July 2021

The young and Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Most people associate heart disease and cardiac arrests with older people, making a assumption it doesn’t affect the young.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  Figures differing slightly (depending on the…

Registering your defibrillator and location

Posted on 5 July 2021

So you have a defibrillator in your community now – you raised the funds, purchased the cabinet and defib – that was the hard bit! Now, you need to make sure it is registered so it can be accessed…

Stop the Bleed Day

Posted on 19 May 2021

Thursday 20th May 2021 marks Stop The Bleed Day, a day of awareness of the need for resources and training to react to catastrophic bleed injuries. In recognition of this day, Turtle Engineering Ltd, along with their partner…

Responsible recycling and servicing

Posted on 26 April 2021

The positive about metal defib cabinets is that metal is infinitely recyclable.  This means that having served as a cabinet for a large number of years, it can be recycled and made into a number of different things…

Knife crime – spending budgets on preventing deaths

Posted on 25 January 2021

Startling UK statistics on knife crime Whilst the Home Office reported a drop in Knife and Offensive weapon offences resulting in a caution or sentence of 20% in 2020 vs 2019*, that includes a pandemic and a lockdown…

The Importance of Basic Life Support & AED training

Posted on 22 February 2021

Every year in the UK, 60,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of hospitals. Less than 10% of people experiencing cardiac arrests in the community survive. Yet survival rates in the community, can be as high as 75% when an…