Calls For Bleed Control Kits Increases
This article focuses on the need for bleed kits within communities. Not just for serious stab wounds but also for other incidents; serious road collusions, a heavy fall in the street, and potentially fatal injuries at work.
Some of the key parts of the article are pulled out below.
Bleed control kits used to save two lives
Bleed control kits were needed twice in Birmingham late 2021 after two men were assaulted in a nightclub. The kits were used by a police officer who attended the incident . After receiving treatment at the scene thanks to equipment from the bleed control kit they were taken to hospital before being discharged.
The Daniel Baird Foundation has distributed hundreds of the kits across the country in a bid to stop more lives being lost, as well as delivering training courses.
Time critical kits
“Application in the first few minutes to a casualty with a significant bleed can literally mean life or death for that person,” said Figen Murray, whose son Martyn Hett was killed aged 29 in the Manchester 2017 terror attack. “We know that time is critical for those casualties to prevent them bleeding to death before emergency responders arrive,” she said in a statement, adding that paramedics can he hampered by the declaration of zones at critical incidents, as happened at Manchester arena, when they took 44 minutes to arrive.
She said the kits should be available in as many venues as possible. “Pubs, clubs and restaurants, including their kitchens, sports centres, schools, arenas, industrial companies where machinery is used, the list is endless.”
A bleed control kit
Bleed control kits, also known as emergency trauma packs, are similar to first aid kits but include trauma dressings, gauze, chest seals and tourniquets to help stop serious bleeding.
Campaigners say they will not only help victims of violent crime, but those involve in road traffic accidents or workplace accidents, and could be particularly useful in rural areas where ambulance response times are slower.
We are seeing an increase in customers requesting a bleed kit in with their defib cabinet with defib so the cabinet houses more essential equipment for keeping a person alive.