Emergency Bleed Control Solutions

When an emergency occurs, blood loss is a grave concern. Being able to control the blood loss before the paramedics are on the scene could be the difference between life and death. At Turtle Engineering we offer a range of bleed control kits and trauma kits to equip individuals who are the first on the scene with the vital tools they need to help control blood loss. Our bleed kits are available in a variety of sizes. From emergency bleed control kit cabinets to portable bleed control kits and bleed kits. Each trauma kit includes products that are effective in controlling blood loss. 

We understand that those first on the scene are unlikely to be medically trained. This is why our bleed control kits are easy to use to stop or control blood loss and prevent a person from bleeding out. When it comes to blood loss, time is paramount. A person can die from blood loss in as little as three to five minutes. Having an emergency bleed control kit on the scene can help provide immediate care to the injured individual. This quick access to products that can slow and stop bleeding could provide potentially life-saving treatment before the emergency services arrive.  

At Turtle Engineering we support the wonderful work of the Daniel Baird Foundation by donating £5 from every emergency bleed control kit and £10 from every bleed control cabinet. Browse our bleed control kits and trauma kits to find the right solution for you. If you have any questions or would like assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch, we’d be happy to help.  

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