Category Choosing a Defib Cabinet

Understanding How Our Cabinets Work

Posted on 18 July 2023

As one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of defibrillator and bleed cabinets we have an extensive range of products to suit every situation. This, understandably, can make it hard to know which cabinet is right for you. This…

Partnering to provide lifesaving equipment

Posted on 16 August 2021

A defibrillator in a cabinet is a significant expense to a community, and unless someone has been touched by Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) themselves – either a family member, a work colleague, a friend or even themselves –…

Defibrillators in Schools

defibs in schools
Posted on 12 July 2021

The young and Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Most people associate heart disease and cardiac arrests with older people, making a assumption it doesn’t affect the young.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  Figures differing slightly (depending on the…

Registering your defibrillator and location

Posted on 5 July 2021

So you have a defibrillator in your community now – you raised the funds, purchased the cabinet and defib – that was the hard bit! Now, you need to make sure it is registered so it can be accessed…

Responsible recycling and servicing

Posted on 26 April 2021

The positive about metal defib cabinets is that metal is infinitely recyclable.  This means that having served as a cabinet for a large number of years, it can be recycled and made into a number of different things…

Fundraising Tips For Life Saving Equipment

Posted on 5 April 2021

Fundraising can feel like a daunting task – particularly if you have what you perceive as a large target.  However, a lot of defibs and cabinets for communities are obtained through local fundraising. Perhaps someone has needed lifesaving…

Reflective defibrillator cabinet stickers

Posted on 12 October 2020

Is your defib cabinet looking a little tired? Writing/Logo peeling off?  Looking a bit battered by the elements?  If it’s still in good working order, why not spruce it back up with one of our brilliant reflective stickers!…

Customising Your Defibrillator Cabinet

Customise your cabinet
Posted on 25 September 2020

Turtle Cabinet Accessories Here at Turtle we think customising your cabinets to the needs of the company or community is really important.  So based on that, we provide a Turtle cabinet – heated or unheated, locked or unlocked,…

No electricity supply for your outdoor cabinet?

See insulation inside
Posted on 31 August 2020

Here at Turtle Defib Cabinets we have developed an insulated, water tight outdoor cabinet suitable for areas where there is no electricity supply.  Whilst this isn’t as ideal as having an electricity supply – in some situations that…