
The Best Defibrillators Available to Buy in the UK

Best defibrillators
Posted on 18 March 2024

If you’re looking to buy a defibrillator, you may be wondering which one best suits your environment and needs. Each defibrillator has different features, so understanding how they vary can help you make the right choice. With a…

What stops bleeding fast?

Guy bandages his friend's hand
Posted on 30 January 2024

If you’re out in public and need to control severe bleeding fast, then you should call 999. The 999 operator will then be able to tell you where the nearest emergency bleed control kit is located.  Controlling bleeding…

Understanding How Our Cabinets Work

Posted on 18 July 2023

As one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of defibrillator and bleed cabinets we have an extensive range of products to suit every situation. This, understandably, can make it hard to know which cabinet is right for you. This…

Calls For Bleed Control Kits Increases

A bleed kit installed under a defibrillator cabinet
Posted on 15 February 2022 This article focuses on the need for bleed kits within communities.  Not just for serious stab wounds but also for other incidents; serious road collusions, a heavy fall in the street, and potentially fatal injuries at work.…

What does a bleed control kit contain?

Image of The Daniel Baird Foundation Bleed Kit which is supplied by Turtle Defib cabinets with text 'What does a bleed control hit contain?'
Posted on 15 October 2021

The kit contains specialist equipment to help stem extreme blood loss before ambulance crews arrive.  The pack is lightweight and in a high visibility red.  It is most often housed in a bleed control cabinet so it is…

Partnering to provide lifesaving equipment

Posted on 16 August 2021

A defibrillator in a cabinet is a significant expense to a community, and unless someone has been touched by Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) themselves – either a family member, a work colleague, a friend or even themselves –…