Category Bleed Cabinet

Fundraising Tips For Life Saving Equipment

Posted on 5 April 2021

Fundraising can feel like a daunting task – particularly if you have what you perceive as a large target.  However, a lot of defibs and cabinets for communities are obtained through local fundraising. Perhaps someone has needed lifesaving…

Bleed Kits For Catastrophic Bleed Injuries

Posted on 30 November 2020

Even with a pandemic hitting 2020 hard for over 8 months of the year, knife crime is still on the rise.  During the second week of lockdown at the end of March 2020, in separate incidents – 9…

What is a bleed control cabinet & kit?

Posted on 16 November 2020

Help stem a catastrophic bleed We recently installed a bleed kit and cabinet on Hurst Street in Birmingham in conjuction with the West Midlands Police and Ambulance Service, the Daniel Baird Foundation (DBF) and Southside District BID team. …

Installing the First Bleed Control Cabinet in the UK

Posted on 16 November 2020

The first ever Bleed cabinet and kit installed in Birmingham Designed to prevent people from bleeding to death while paramedics race to the scene, the UK’s first bleed control cabinet was installed in Hurst Street, Birmingham on Thursday…