Online First Aid training courses for defibrillator use & basic life support

£34.95 (excl. VAT)

Online first aid and defib training from Abacus Training


Turtle Defib Cabinets can now offer

Fully Certified Professional Training Courses for Basic Life Support and Defibrillators

Provided through our trusted training partners

The course is about 3 hours in duration, cost is £34.95 +VAT per person.   This is a fully certified training course and will give attendees the confidence to undertake basic life support and to use a defibrillator in an emergency. Our professional trainers can adapt the course to the needs of their audience, regularly training GP’s and Dentists as well as training community members with little to no first aid experience.

All online courses are CPD hours recognised.  The interactive content can be completed at the learners own pace.  It is reviewed at any time up to 8 months after starting the course.  You will receive a certificate after successful completion, with online questions to check knowledge as well as a downloadable manual (available in other languages as well as English).

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